June 18 - Integration, Chrome Extension, and Content Activity improvements

We've shipped improvements to our integrations, Chrome extension for GitHub, and Content Activities.

⚙️ Integration Updates

The Zapier integration now has the ability to create member notes. Member notes are distinct from activities in an Orbit workspace. Notes are free-form text areas where you can save reflections from a recent meeting, ideas generated during an event, points to follow-up on after a phone call, and a lot more. Learn more.

Our Reddit Community Integration now allows for filtering within posts and comments for specific terms. Instead of adding all new posts/comments from a subreddit, you can now specify a specific term that must appear in the post or comment for it to be added to your Orbit workspace.

Stack Overflow
Our Stack Overflow Community Integration now supports adding new answers to your Orbit workspace, on top of new questions from the original release.

Our DEV Community Integration now supports adding blog post comments for organization posts as well as individuals.

⚙️ Orbit Chrome Extension Update

We've improved how the extension handles the URL for a member profile where the slug element has changed due to the profile being merged. We also fixed up an issue with how the extension adds comments to Orbit, so they show up as a content activity as expected. Learn more.

⚙️ Add a Publication Date to Content Activities

We've added a date picker so you can now add a publication date when adding content to a member profile. Learn more.

🐛 Bug Fixes

Fixed: The Zapier app cannot set activity tags and defaulted to false for teammates
Fixed: Ability to invite more than one teammate at once
Fixed: Fixed unfinished imports
Fixed: Activity count in a member’s Detail panel does not take into account PostActivities (i.e. Content)
Fixed: Fix Orbit Level calculation for workpaces with less than 100 members in Orbit 1, 2 and 3
Fixed: Make the “include no activities” filter work just like the other include filters
Fixed: The total number of members isn't displayed on top of the members table
Fixed: Add discord attribute to the member object API response

To upvote feature requests and share your feature requests, check out our roadmap and ideas board.